Forgiveness (Don’t Come Easy To Me) An Original Song

Forgiveness (Don’t Come Easy To Me) An Original Song



Verse 1
You can’t stun me
With a look,
You can’t read me
Like a book.
I may be small
But for what I lack,
When the walls cave in
I push them back.

Your voice I hear,
Your face I see…
I can’t erase
One memory;
Caged like a bird
That can’t be free…
Forgiveness won’t come easy…
Easy to me.

Verse 2
There are some things
That don’t seem clear…
What is this place?
Why am I here?
I see sunshine
Mixed in with clouds…
I hear the world,
I sing out loud.

Verse 3
Things I don’t like
Can disappear…
I have my place,
You can’t go here.
Tossed in a sea…
Swept by a wave,
Lost in the darkness
Of this cave.

I'm a musician /songwriter web developer and video content creator with an ear for hearing things a little differently or thinking outside of the box.

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